Walking the Path to Peppers Awaroa Lodge (Able Tasman National Park, New Zealand)

April 22, 2016

Peppers Awaroa Lodge was about a 10-minute walk from the beach, and we thought it might be fun to check it out and maybe get some coffee drinks.

As we headed down the path through a forest, it wasn’t long before we thought, “Who cares about the lodge–look at this scenery!” It was beautiful, full of birds, and as pretty as many of the hikes we’ve taken in New Zealand. What an unexpected treat!

The lodge itself was small but really nice, a modern design with a cozy feeling inside and a great patio outside. Whoever designed and decorated this place did an amazing job, creating an atmosphere that makes you wish you could have a house just like it.

We happily ordered cappuccinos from the bar and had a seat. I wish we’d know about this place last night; we would have come in for our anniversary dinner. It was only listed “cafe” in our guidebook, not “gorgeous little place not to be missed!” I guess Keith Murray and I have different priorities, but then again this place, as it is now, may not have existed when he wrote his guide book. –Cyndi

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