
August 31, 2017

We do a lot of planning around temperature. We try to get north before New Zealand or Australia gets too cold and try to avoid going too far north until winter sets in. We’ve been a little afraid of the heat in Vanuatu and delayed our northern-most excursions until August. So far, we’ve done great and the temperatures have been really pleasant. That changed a few days ago. Now it’s really HOT – so hot that we’ve been running our cockpit misters a lot.

(While cooling, the cockpit misters are not great for visibility for those of us who wear glasses!)

Cyndi, Legacy’s chief planning officer and cruise director, has done a great job keeping us from getting too hot (until now, but we’re hoping this is just a hot spell and will cool down a bit in the next couple of days). Among the tools she uses is’s Misery Index (MI) found here  and in the screenshot below.

The Misery Index as seen at

As you can see, we’re just in the red, too hot, section while some of Australia is in the blue, too cold, section. We try to keep it in the black.

Here’s an animated GIF below showing how the zone of misery has been moving south and how it’s predicted to move back to the north in the next few days…

More about our “cockpit misters” can be found here. Don’t leave home without them! -Rich

P.S. We also stay cool by riding Billy, our pet orca…

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