Dinghy Knot?

August 9, 2014

Here in Neiafu, it’s not unusual to see ten dinghies all tied to the same cleat on the dinghy dock.  Reason: there are only two cleats.  Fine, but sometimes, after a night of drinking at the Aquarium Cafe, not everyone is so meticulous about retying the lines removed to free the dinghy in question. Not a problem for us…


We’ve used this a lot and never seen anyone else do it (knock, knock, knock… and never lost a dinghy!). We just pass the line up through the crack between boards and tie a figure eight or a stopper knot. Done.

(To the less-than-considerate guy who tied his dinghy up to the loop in our dinghy knot: don’t do that!!!) -Rich

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