Beach Party at the Sandspit (Fulaga, Fiji)

August 27, 2013

Every so often, people from the village throw a party for the cruisers, which takes place on the beach by the sandspit. All the attending cruisers contribute homemade dishes, while the villagers make their traditional foods. As it so happened, the village threw one of these events just after we moved to the Sandspit anchorage.

The party took place pretty early in the day. Each arriving dinghy was greeted by a group of very excited children, while the adults worked setting up food at the lean-to they’d prepped on the beach. At least seven boats had come over here for the party; so the cruisers were all busy meeting each other. Linda from Bright Angel brought the perfect thing for this party: inflated beach balls! The kids (and later some adults) had a great time playing with those!

It turned out to be a nice afternoon. We had a big potluck lunch with lots of good stuff. I was excited to try the local crab, but it turned out to be one of those crustaceans where you have to do an awful lot of work for a little bit of meat. With all the effort and the resulting cuts on my hand, I think the crab had its revenge. Otherwise it was a very enjoyable meal. Earlier there’d been a weaving class for the women, where we learned to weave our own nice serving plates for the lunches.

At one point, Rich and I broke off from the party to wander out onto the sandspit. The tide was low enough that it was only partly submerged, and we were able to walk way out around the anchorage on the finger of sand. Very cool! Below, a galley of photos from this day. (Click to enlarge and scroll.)

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