An Evening Anchored Off The Tata Islands (Golden Bay, New Zealand)

April 19, 2016

Later in the afternoon, we headed outside with a bowl of popcorn and glasses of white wine to watch the evening develop. The day had been warm and sunny, and the nice temperatures lingered into the evening. Rich put on some music, and we sat outside watching while the light changed from gold to a deep orangey-pink as the sun went down. It was just one of those really nice times where all the elements combine to make an ordinary evening into something special. Rich captured it really well on video here:

Below, a gallery of photos of the evening’s progression. (Click to enlarge/scroll).

Later, impressed by the way the white rock seemed to glow in the moonlight, I took a photo of Ngawhiti Island under the stars.

A peaceful night over Ngawhiti Island. (Golden Bay, New Zealand)
A peaceful night over Ngawhiti Island. (Golden Bay, New Zealand)

We had been concerned about possible roll in the anchorage tonight, but the water was calm with only the most gentle movement. A floral smell wafted through the air, making this night as magical as the evening had been. We hadn’t explored by dinghy yet, but we decided it was already worth the effort to visit the Tata Islands. –Cyndi

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