Our Hour Meter

March 28, 2015


We’re replacing our refrigeration. It’s still working, but it’s struggling. The reason I know it’s having problems is that we have an hour meter installed and I use a little spreadsheet to keep track of its running time. Recently, it’s gone from about 3 1/2 hours per day to 4 1/2 hours per day.


Without knowing about the increased run hours, it probably would have quit during this season’s cruising. Like so many cruisers, I’d be stuck in tropical paradise, trying to find a refrigeration mechanic. (Knock, knock, knock… I know it could still happen, even with new refrigeration, so I’ll ward off the evil spirits with that wood-knocking thing.)

For the curious, the increased run time is due to low coolant levels. We have a very slow leak somewhere. It’s a holding-plate system with a large, one third horsepower DC motor on a big compressor. It’s been on the boat for 20+ years and has been great. The leak is so slow, we’d probably never find it so we’d be stuck topping up the coolant every year, then every six months, then… The whole system is getting very old and it’s time to make a change.

We’re going to a more modern, Danfoss compressor and an evaporator instead of the holding plate. With this change, we’re going to get a little freezer inside our evaporator box. Yay! The new system should use less power. Yay!

I’m going to install the hour meter on the new system and track it’s run time. It also tells us exactly how much energy we’re using for refrigeration. When we turn the box temperature down to freezer levels (like we do for extended Fulaga stays), we can tell exactly what that costs us in terms of energy. We can also see what being in the tropics costs us in battery power (not that there’s anything we can do about it, but it’s interesting to me).

By the way, that knob next to the hour meter is a mechanical timer. We can twist it and, regardless of the fridge temperature, cause the compressor to run for up to an hour. This is handy. When motoring, we turn it on an hour before getting into an anchorage and essentially store an extra 26 amp-hours in our fridge. The little light below goes on anytime the fridge is running. We can usually hear our big holding plate unit running but not when the engine is on. Hopefully, we won’t be able to hear our new Danfoss compressor adding even more value to having the indicator light. It’s just a handy, cheap indicator.

Another side note: I’m a big fan of the mechanical hour meters. At least, when they fail, you know the last reading. The digital ones store that reading in smoke, and when the smoke gets out…

Here’s a copy of the spreadsheet I use. Help yourself. Just delete my first two lines of sample data and start filling in your own. fridge hours


CDs for Birds?

March 27, 2015 (the day before my birthday!!! I’m registered at Neiman Marcus.)

People hang CDs in their rigging to keep birds away.


I never understood how this works… Until I got a close look at this one hanging on Alaeris…


We’re In Sydney!

March 26, 2015


We’ve been here three days now. You haven’t heard much from us because this has been a difficult time. We spent a lot of money to be in the D’Albora Marina in Rushcutters. We thought we were treating ourselves. Nope, we’re torturing ourselves.

At over $2,100 a month for a Legacy-sized berth, we expected first class in an amazing location in the heart of the city. What we got are very mediocre facilities in a marginally maintained marina that’s a long walk from anything – and it’s so ROLLY! All day long, from 6:20 this morning, Legacy gets jerked around by the wakes from ferries and tour boats. We don’t mind the rolling but the jerking motion is really bad. The video below is a mild wake compared to some.

We’ll stay and get used to it, or we’ll move if we find a better place. It’s only about a month until we leave for the tropics again. I can’t wait! -Rich

Oh Look… A Waterfall!

March 19, 2015 at Refuge Bay, New South Wales, Australia

“Rich, Look, a there’s the waterfall, and there’s a chair under it.”


“I’ll stand there. You take my picture.”


“Just a second Cyndi… I can’t get the camera to focus.”


“Hang on, I moved the camera.”


“Wait, wait, I ruined that one. Let me take one more Cyndi.”


“Rich, you’re just trying to get me wet, aren’t you?!”


“Who, me? Would I do such a thing?”




“You’re like Satan!”

Rich grins.

Satan says “thank you!”