New Marital Aid

December 31, 2014












For new year’s eve, we treated ourselves to salvation: a portable air conditioner.

For now, it’s just sitting in the v-berth, hooked up with an extension cord, running on dockside power, with a big hose blowing hot air out the forward hatch. Installation time: 3 minutes.

It’s hot here in Mooloolaba. Who knows, with this, maybe we’ll actually be able to touch each other?!

Bundaberg (and sandflies), Ado!

December 27, 2014


That’s right! We’re taking our bites and leaving! We’ll spend about three days getting down to Mooloolaba where we’ll spend ?? days. From there, we’ll keep heading south until we get to Sydney.

I’m so tired of scratching, but we’re not done yet, I’m afraid. On the way south, we pass through the Great Sandy Strait which we’re told the locals call the “Great Sandfly Strait.”

Oh yea, there are also mosquitoes (called “mozzies” by the locals). Why would you have such an affectionate name for such a miserable creature?